Archivo de la categoría: Hanneman y Riddle

El Holón es el Interface: Objeto de observación

Preguntándome sobre la creatividad y los modos de describir / definir el fenómeno para su conocer.

En este interesante manual, hablando de cómo diferenciar el saber estadístico del conocimiento de redes. Comentando la unidad media (sujeto-atributos) frente a la configuración (agentes-relaciones):

«Of course, this kind of view of the nature of social structures is not unique to social networkers. Statistical analysts deal with the same issues as «hierarchical» or «nested» designs. Theorists speak of the macro-meso-micro levels of analysis, or develop schema for identifying levels of analysis (individual, group, organization, community, institution, society, global order being perhaps the most commonly used system in sociology).One advantage of network thinking and method is that it naturally predisposes the analyst to focus on multiple levels of analysis simultaneously. That is, the network analyst is always interested in how the individual is embedded within a structure and how the structure emerges from the micro-relations between individual parts. The ability of network methods to map such multi-modal relations is, at least potentially, a step forward in rigor.»

1. Social network data
Introduction to social network methods
Robert A. Hanneman* and Mark Riddle

*Department of Sociology in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the University of California, Riverside

Es un modo de introducir el «efecto de superficie» deleuziano en una coreografía de selfs, otros generalizados meadianos y la mind batesoniana. La unidad es el interface.

Paradigma semiológico vs informacional:

Creatividad informacional:

Aplicación de comunicación en un ligue


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